How to Use summer stock in a Sentence
summer stock
Spanish stocks, one of the Heard on the Street’s summer stock picks, face headwinds.
—Richard Barley, WSJ, 2 Oct. 2017
Later, the two worked together in summer stock and got to be good friends.
—Todd Leopold, CNN, 31 Dec. 2021
Each month features a special theme, like summer stock-up.
—Ysolt Usigan, Woman's Day, 14 July 2022
The historic Ivoryton Playhouse is where Katharine Hepburn got her start in summer stock.
—Sam Dangremond, Town & Country, 25 July 2017
Think of it as a summer stock production of gazpacho or pasta with red sauce, with tomatoes in the lead role.
—Tim Carman, Washington Post, 31 July 2019
The theater was founded as a summer stock theater in 1931 by the New York producer Lawrence Langner.
—Christopher Arnott,, 25 Mar. 2021
Her third and last performance as Emily is in a Michigan summer stock production, in a town called Tom Lake.
—Priscilla Gilman,, 3 Aug. 2023
The prize included an internship at a summer stock theater in New York, and from there Reynolds’s career began to take off.
—Aja Romano, Vox, 6 Sep. 2018
In other words, a few dark clouds that are hovering over the summer stock market may have prompted some traders to get off their beach towels and back into the market.
—Kevin Kelleher, Fortune, 31 Aug. 2019
After work in summer stock, Persoff, in 1947, received an invitation to come to the first meeting of the new Actors Studio, led by Kazan.
—Mike Barnes, The Hollywood Reporter, 6 Apr. 2022
There have been more recent attempts to resurrect summer stock.
—David Lyman, The Enquirer, 30 June 2022
Expectations that the Fed would soon finish hiking rates and start lowering them next year helped drive a summer stock rally.
—Harold Maass, The Week, 29 Aug. 2022
Orson Welles, who attended prep school here for five years (his only extended bout of schooling), performed in the Opera House’s summer stock.
—Christopher Borrelli,, 2 Feb. 2018
Optimistic outlook The rosy take on summer stock is in keeping with Bank of America’s balanced stance on the economy.
—Eleanor Pringle, Fortune, 19 Apr. 2023
Give my regards to Broadway South Carolina summer stock.
—Chris Murphy, Vulture, 1 Feb. 2021
To be sure, the bull/bear ratio hit its lowest level since the financial crisis back in June, just before the summer stock market rally (which has since faded, with the S&P 500 hitting new lows for the year this week).
—Eric Wallerstein, WSJ, 29 Sep. 2022
One reason the summer stock market rally is cooling: Mixed signals on inflation.
—WSJ, 11 Aug. 2023
Some boisterous, somersaulting sailors feel like refugees from summer stock; S. Katy Tucker’s projections are sometimes evocative (the edge of the ocean’s tide, swirling storm clouds), and sometimes not (a burning temple with screen-saver flames).
—Zachary Woolfe, New York Times, 28 Sep. 2022
Garner started out working in the costume department at various summer stock theatres before getting her big break in Zoya after moving to New York City.
—Vulture, 11 June 2023
Mercury was born when then-freshman, Brault and sophomore Marshall, who were expected to take part in some form of summer stock theater, decided to accomplish that task by forming their own theater group in Cleveland.
—Jeff Piorkowski/special To,, 10 May 2018
After a summer stock rally met with skepticism, investors are heading toward autumn with a feeling of discontent.
—Karen Langley, WSJ, 5 Sep. 2022
Jamie’s self-indulgent reveling in success, Cathy’s faltering confidence and droll quips about summer stock.
—Washington Post, 22 June 2021
Because of their cold-weather hardiness, mums require a slightly different care routine than your standard summer stock like begonias and petunias.
—Kate McGregor, House Beautiful, 20 July 2023
Her maternal grandparents, Helen and Peter Mark Richman, met doing summer stock theater.
—Robin Pogrebin, New York Times, 10 Aug. 2022
Larson, who resides in Los Angeles, said she’s seen nearly every iteration possible of the iconic production — from world tours to high school and summer stock theater, to workshops alongside her writer and composer brother.
—, 12 Oct. 2017
Harris began acting in community theaters before moving on to regional theaters and summer stock productions across the country.
—Aya Elamroussi, CNN, 3 Apr. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'summer stock.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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